How to Live With Chronic Illness

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with a chronic ailment, you could be feeling a number of different emotions. If you’ve been battling symptoms for a while, having a name for your condition could offer a form of relief. The next step is to learn about your situation, including what to expect, self-care measures to put in place, and how to live your best life while monitoring your condition. Skyline Insurance Agency offers these tips to help you manage your health and wellness.

Ask Questions

If you’re newly diagnosed with a chronic condition, you probably have a lot of questions. Do some research on your own — the Agency For Healthcare Research and Quality is a good place to start — and make note of questions specific to your circumstances so you can discuss them with your primary care provider or specialist. It can be helpful to have a companion with you at early appointments to take notes as you’re digesting information. You’ll want to know what to expect, what you can do to ensure you’re managing your condition following best practices, and what your long-term prognosis looks like so you can plan accordingly.

Establish Work-Life Balance

Depending on the type of chronic condition you have and the symptoms it presents with, you may need to change some things about the way you work. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, this might include asking for special accommodations from your employer, switching positions, or working in a remote capacity from home. Before talking to your boss, have a discussion with your primary care provider, and make a realistic assessment of what you feel capable of doing.

You don’t want to be in a situation where you’re exacerbating your condition through over-work, but it will be important to plan for your financial needs, which may center around income potential. Devise a budget and explore ways your chronic condition might impact finances so you can prepare in advance.

Reevaluate Living Accommodations

You might find that a move is in order as a way to ensure your finances and your safe mobility at home. For example, if you’re suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, it may be difficult to navigate stairs, in which case moving from a two-story home to a single story can be beneficial. Before you start looking for new homes, you’ll want to examine your credit to ensure there are no erroneous reports, evaluate your debt-to-income ratio, and think about how much you can realistically afford. Getting preapproved for a loan with a reputable lender can be helpful, and finding a professional real estate agent can ease the home search process.

Practice Self-Care

Managing a chronic condition can take a bit of time to get used to, and you may be continually altering what your personal needs are based on the condition’s progression. Self-care is absolutely essential, so if it’s financially feasible, hire help where necessary. This might include housekeeping or other homecare services, childcare, pet care, or even arranging to have groceries or a meal service delivered to your home. Relieve stress via meditation and yoga, and make sure you’re staying in touch with your primary care provider about the types of exercise that will be most conducive to your particular condition.

Feelings of Depression

You may find that your recent diagnosis has had a negative effect on your mood. It’s also possible that your course of treatment can adversely affect your mood as well. If you find that you are unable to get out of the house, you may have questions about depression medication but can’t get to your doctor to ask them. Fortunately, there is access to physicians via telemedicine. For a nominal monthly fee through telehealth platforms, there are online appointments available to speak to a doctor about depression and treatment options, and many platforms work with most insurance.

Coming to terms with something that has a major impact on your life can take a bit of time. Be kind to yourself and your family and look for positive ways to manage your chronic illness in the best way possible, whether that’s through diet, exercise, medication, or therapies. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your care providers as necessary, and consider finding a support group that can be a resource on your journey.

Utah’s Premier Health Insurance Agency


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